Arran Sym

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Beauty Valley

Beauty Valley

Beauty Valley is the debut album from Arran Sym. Entirely written, produced and mixed himself, he released this project in November 2021. With features from Scottish rap artist Bemz, Chicago's Ibn Inglor and Jeter, the album is a fusion of genres coming together to form a new and exciting sound.

Critical Touch

Critical Touch

Critical Touch was a colloboartion between Arran Sym and Tokyo based rapper/singer DOT.KAI. Released in 2021, the project explored the sounds of the Tokyo music scene with features from some of the hottest underground rappers including Jinmenusagi, Seeda, Yokai Jaki and Jeter.

1000 micrograms of love

IOOO Micrograms of Love

Beauty Valley is the debut EP from Arran Sym. Entirely written, produced and mixed himself, he released this project in November 2020. Exploring with new ideas and influences from pop, this was Sym's first take at crafting a project together on his own.